Anti-Theft Protection: The Success of Ghost Car Security Systems

Anti-Theft Protection: The Success of Ghost Car Security Systems

Experience the pinnacle of modern vehicle security with the Ghost Immobiliser – a comprehensive solution that leaves no room for compromise. Your car is shielded from key theft, key cloning, hacking, and even keyless entry threats. Its seamless compatibility with all major car brands sets this system apart, making the Ghost Car Security system the ultimate choice in cutting-edge immobiliser technology. There’s absolutely no way for a thief to access your vehicle, not even with the ignition key in hand, as it remains inactive until your exclusive PIN code sequence is entered – conveniently using the existing controls right from your driver’s seat.

Types of Ghost Car Security Systems

By making it exceedingly impossible for unauthorised people to access or start the vehicle, ghost car security systems, sometimes referred to as immobilisers, are intended for preventing vehicle theft. Because they frequently function invisibly and quietly in the shadows, such devices offer an excellent degree of security. Several popular forms of ghost car security systems are listed below:

Keyless Immobilizer:

This system needs a certain key fob or transponder to be inside the car in order to function. Even if a burglar tries to hotwire the car’s ignition, the motor won’t start if the key fob isn’t close to the vehicle. For further security, certain keyless immobilisers additionally feature encryption & rolling codes.

Biometric Lockdown Device:

To verify the driver, biometric ghost solutions use fingerprint recognition technologies. Before the engine is able to start, the driver’s fingerprint is checked and compared against authorised profiles. These systems offer an excellent degree of safety because it is challenging to get around them.

Immobiliser for Bluetooth:

This kind of device utilises Bluetooth to link to the driver’s smartphone. Only when the authorised smartphone is in range would the vehicle start. Immobilisers with Bluetooth connectivity can be convenient and secure.

Entering a passcode or PIN:

A PIN code or passcode must sometimes be entered by the driver into a touchscreen or set of buttons inside the car to activate a ghost system. The car’s engine stays immobilised if the right code is not input.

Immobiliser with remote control:

The immobilisation component of these devices is activated or deactivated using a remote control or key fob. To make the car start, the driver needs to press a particular button or combo on the remote.

Understanding the Ghost Immobiliser

The electronic control unit (ECU) of the car houses an electronic chip that is used by a standard factory-installed immobiliser. The key or fob transmits a code to the ECU so that it is able to start the car if you try to start it. The code might be wrong and the car won’t start when somebody tries to start it with another key or fob. Ghost immobilisers have extra security features, like a PIN or code sequence which must be entered before you can start your car.

What Impact Does An Immobiliser Have On My Car?

An immobiliser is going to turn down components like the starter motor or fuel system in addition to preventing the vehicle from commencing if the wrong key or fob is used, making the vehicle immobile. Some immobilisers activate the vehicle’s alarm in addition to sending the incorrect code to the ECU in order to capture attention. Immobilisers may carry out extra tasks, however this will vary depending on the type.

A Look at Ghost Immobiliser II

You guessed it—the Ghost 2 Immobiliser System is an immobiliser. By prohibiting the car’s engine from beginning without your special PIN or the existence of your smartphone with the Autowatch app installed, it guards against car theft. Therefore, even burglars who take your keys or gain entry to your vehicle using wireless key technology won’t be allowed to drive off in it. The Ghost 2 Immobiliser System is also integrated into the CAN Data Network of your car, making it impossible for criminals to detect it or disable it by simply cutting a wire. Knowing knowing your car won’t move without your permission allows you to feel secure.

The Activation and Deactivation Procedure

A distinctive PIN code is needed to activate and deactivate the immobilisation feature of the Ghost Immobiliser, which is renowned for its high-tech security features. Below is a broad summary of how to turn the Ghost Immobiliser on and off:

Activation Technique:

  • Enter the PIN Code: You have to enter the pre-set PIN code to turn on the Ghost Immobiliser. This code is a special series of in-car button presses or control movements.
  • Follow the Sequence: To precisely input the PIN code, observe the designated button or control sequence. For activation of the system, you have to input the right code.
  • Confirmation: The Ghost Immobiliser will notify you of activation when you have input the PIN code correctly. According to the particular system and setup, this evidence might involve visual or aural indications.
  • Engine immobilisation: After turning on the Ghost Immobiliser, the vehicle’s engine will turn immobile. Without the PIN code, a thief will not be allowed to start the car’s engine even if they are able to enter the car.

Deactivation Methodology:

  • Put in the PIN number: You have to enter the same PIN code that was used for activation to turn off the Ghost Immobiliser and enable the vehicle to start.
  • Observe the order: As you did upon activation, press the designated buttons or control combination after entering the PIN code.
  • Confirmation: The Ghost Immobiliser will notify you of deactivation when you enter the right PIN code, enabling you to turn on the vehicle’s engine.
  • Start the car: The ignition key or keyless ignition system may be used as usual to start the car once the system has been deactivated.

The Activation and Deactivation Costs and Benefits

The installation of Ghost Immobilisers has certain costs and advantages in the United Kingdom which are tailored to the requirements of car owners who worry about security & theft. The prices and benefits of implementing Ghost Immobilisers in the UK are broken down as follows:


Cost of initial installation:

The setup of the Ghost Immobiliser system constitutes the main expense. It normally entails contracting with a qualified technician or a licenced dealer to complete the installation. The expense of installation in the UK might vary from £300 to £1,000 or more, based on the make and model of the car and the installation’s intricacy.

Annual Subscription Option:

Some Ghost Immobiliser systems provide add-on capabilities like remote immobilisation, car tracking, and smartphone app connection as extra subscription-based services. These membership fees range from £50 to £100 annually.

Updating and Maintenance:

Although most upkeep is free, if you lose your PIN code or want to change it, you could have to pay a fee for reprogramming the system. These expenses are frequently erratic and may fluctuate according on the service provider.


Superior Security:

Ghost Immobilisers offer an exceptional degree of security by preventing the vehicle’s engine from starting until a specific PIN code has been entered. The buttons or controls already in the car are used for entering this PIN code.

Security against Theft

These safety features do a good job of preventing theft and unauthorised use of your car. Without the PIN number, a burglar won’t be allowed to start your car even if they physically enter it.

Stealth and invisibility:

Ghost Immobilisers function invisibly and silently, thus rendering it challenging for prospective thieves to notice them. The covert design increases safety.

Discounts on Insurance:

If your car has an authorised security system, such as the Ghost Immobiliser, some UK insurance providers will reduce your premium. Over time, these reductions may be able to make up for some the expenses associated with the installation.

Value at Resale:

Your car’s resale value may go up if it has a top-notch security system like the Ghost Immobiliser. A car with enhanced safety features can entice potential purchasers to pay extra.


The button or control sequences employed for PIN entry can be altered, giving your system an additional layer of protection and individuality.

Comfort of Mind:

It may provide you confidence and ease your mind to know that your car is secured by cutting-edge technology.


It has been demonstrated that ghost car security systems are quite efficient at offering strong anti-theft protection, giving motorists piece of mind & a reliable defence against theft and unauthorised entry.
